Tuesday, October 5, 2010

We've Got The Power

Today as we are awaiting things to happen in our lives, let us remember who we are and Whose we are in the name of Jesus!

As the song says:  We've got the power, in the name of Jesus
                             We've got the power in the name of the Lord
                             Though satan rages, we will not be defeated
                             We've got the power, in the name of the Lord!
                                                             -Laverne Tripp

At JMA our days are started with prayer, and prayers all through the day for each of our artists.  We are fighting daily battles in our personal lives, in our churches, in our music, BUT we know who wins!!

Psalm 37:4 happens to be one of my favorite verses for it tells us to "delight ourselves in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our heart."  Look it up!  Psalm 37 is a life line for my family!!!

If we desire to serve Him and our music is glorifying Him, the He will direct us where we are to go!
Praise His Name!

When we send out a radio compilation, we pray and ask God's guidance on this project and to touch lives through the music we represent.

To God Be the Glory!
Barbara Roach

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